For the Love of Nature: Making Waves with Regenerative Agriculture

August 10, 2021

There’s little not to love about this big blue planet of ours, and at Rowdy Mermaid, we’re pretty much obsessed with all the goodness it grows.

Our teas and sugar are all sourced from regenerative farms, and our other ingredients are all sustainably sourced and USDA Certified Organic. As our food and science nerds brew up more refreshingly rowdy creations, we are actively working to source our botanicals, adaptogens, flowers and fruits from regenerative partners.

Let's dig in to the details.

“So, what is regenerative agriculture?” you ask as you scratch your head with one hand and hold one of our naturally immunity-boosting Adaptonics™ with the other. Good question. If you ask the experts at Regeneration International, they say: “Regenerative Agriculture” describes farming and grazing practices that, among other benefits, reverse climate change by rebuilding soil organic matter and restoring degraded soil biodiversity – resulting in both carbon drawdown and improving the water cycle. Uhhh, yeah. We want us some of that.

Basically, regenerative agriculture is farming that works with the land, not against it.

It’s getting sustainable up in here.

Regenerative ag (that’s what all the cool kids are calling it) promotes wellness for the planet. So, as we fill cans with our recipes for human wellness, we seek ingredients grown using these key practices:


Cover crops and crop rotation are the kickers here. Cover crops are grown exclusively to protect the soil when it’s not being used for a harvest crop. They protect the soil from weather damage and erosion that strips it of its nutrients. Then there’s crop rotation (aka the practice of planting different types of crops in the same location). This allows certain types of plants to enrich the soil with nutrients that other types of plants need when they “move in.”


Tilling is the process of prepping soil for planting by plowing it or “turning it over” using a tilling machine. While it may seem like a good thing to shake things up, this practice actually causes massive erosion and releases carbon dioxide into our atmosphere, which contributes to climate change. By tilling naturally (using livestock) or just by not tilling at all), we increase carbon sequestration, which is an almost magical power that plants have to pull CO2 out of our air and put it to use in the soil.


This one’s kind of obvious. In an effort not to damage soil and plants during the growing process, regenerative agriculture kicks harmful pesticides, fertilizers and fungicides like glyphosate to the curb. These chemicals create a microbial imbalance in the soil, which weakens plants and makes it harder for them to absorb nutrients. They also seep into our water system and air. Gross. Organic options help create a harmonious relationship with nature—renewing instead of stripping it of good.

Regenerative agriculture is nothing short of rowdy, and it perfectly reflects our Healthy Systems philosophy. With every curiosity we chase, every sip we spark, every question we ask and every abso-function-lutely refreshing beverage we craft, we are committed to supporting the plants, processes, people and communities along our supply chain. Just call us Generation Regeneration.

Take the dive into the deep end.